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How Much Does It Cost to Make an App?

Posted by Mitch Ahiers on Thu, September, 22, 2022

So you want to build an app–congratulations! We’re big fans of apps, truly! Now to address the elephant in the room: how much does it cost to create an app?

Well, as you may have guessed, the cost relies on a number of factors, and there is no set answer. However, we can give you a rough estimate and discuss the factors impacting the cost of building an app. Building an app can help take your company to the next level and may serve your clients even better than you are serving them now. Apps can be awesome!

Creating a digital product (a mobile or web app) is a super involved process, and each solution is totally unique. App-building requires in-depth discovery to understand what you need before doing any actual design. How complex is your app? How many bells and whistles do you want? How many bells and whistles do you need? Who will maintain it once it’s out in the market?

I mean, let’s consider the least complex app, something like a calculator or a flashlight. A good app developer could whip that up fairly easily, and it won’t cost you an arm or a leg. You can create a calculator or a flashlight for less than $10k. That’s going to be the bottom tier of app-development costs. Considering the number of calculators and flashlights already in existence, it likely may not make sense to create your own, unless you just really, really want to.

Now let’s look at the other end of the spectrum. If you are looking to create a video game or a social media app, prepare to invest considerably more. You can only hope it will hit the market and make an impact worthy of your investment. These are often the big winners in the marketplace, and so of course they are at the top rung of the complexity ladder. In 2022, complex apps can cost anywhere from $91k to upwards of $1 million, with most landing between $200k and $500k.

TikTok or Facebook, anyone? Heard of Pokémon Go or Zelda? These apps are some of the standard setters against which other people model new social media and gaming apps. A shopping app could run anywhere from medium to complex, but will more likely be complex, depending on the design, functions, options, operating systems, interactivity, and built-in maintenance and updates.

Beyond the baseline functions and complexity level of an app, consider how you will develop the app. Will you create it in-house (do you have the right team for this?) or outsource to app development pros, like Rocksauce Studios? Taking advantage of a professional team’s expertise and know-how often can save time and money, because nobody has time to deal with costly errors.

Once you’ve determined the complexity of the app, then you need to create prototypes, get these in front of users for UX testing, then update designs, create a design library/language, and much more.

A mind-bogglingly large number of apps are on the market today, proving how vast the online space is. These apps can be used to make purchases, play games, watch movies, send reports, chat with someone on the other side of the world or in the office next to yours. As a result, apps are becoming a top priority for businesses to attract and engage their target customers.

This is why the question, “How much does it cost to make an app?” is always trending!

Regrettably, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The cost will be determined by the industry, the objectives, the goals, application type, operating system, technical complexity, the design and architecture, and even the outsourced partner’s location. But here is some more food for thought for those looking to create an app.



The average cost of a simple app is between $8,000 and $40,000. The cost of a medium-complexity app ranges from $50,000 to $90,000. A complicated app can cost anything between $91,000 and $500,000–or more. Here we lay down some ground rules on what, how, and why the cost of an app is how much it is.


The cost of creating a mobile or desktop app is determined by several factors:

  • App type: All apps aren’t created equally. The software a company selects as the basis for an app is crucial for maintaining and updating the app along the way. This is one of the main reasons app development costs vary so much.
  • Features and functionality: Of course, the features and functionality are determining factors when pricing an app. These are some of the biggest cost drivers as they can take months to implement, depending on how original the app idea is. Basic math dictates that the more functions and features you want in your app, the more it will cost.
  • Customization of visual design: How the user interface looks and works will largely drive the app’s success, along with the desirability of what the app can do for its users. Thereby, this affects the cost. The cost of designing an app incorporates the branding, visual complexity, and custom elements required.
  • Backend infrastructure: Data interchange between the app and the database, content and user management, reporting, and custom marketing activities all help to determine the necessary backend infrastructure. Different sorts of backend environments and infrastructure are available. The more of these features you require, the more expensive your development will be.
  • Platforms: Do you want to create an app for Android or iOS? The development cost of an app once depended heavily on the sort of app and platform you chose, although nowadays it is less of a cost driver. 
  • App maintenance costs and additional services: It’s not usually a one and done situation to develop an app. Costs often continue after the app is released. Maintaining the app is essential, as well as incorporating desired or requested updates, and will also affect your bottom line when budgeting for an app.
  • In-house or outsourced development team: This is where you need to sit and make a decision between using your in-house app developers or entrusting the project to an outsourced development firm. 

We can’t stress enough that unless this is what your company does, you are going to save money in the long-run by working with experts like EX Squared. Better to invest up front than keep correcting errors along the way. Even the most experienced team hits roadblocks; best to start with a group that is asking the right questions and building from a wealth of knowledge and experience relevant to app development.


As you can see, app development runs the gamut between easy peasy and tricky as all get out. Yes, it can be an expensive option, but a well-designed mobile or desktop app can very well provide a healthy return on your investment. As a result, it’s critical to carefully consider all the factors before taking the leap, and you are almost always better off hiring the experts.


Contact EX Squared today to get started on your app!





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How Long Does It Take to Build an App

Posted by Mitch Ahiers on Wed, September, 21, 2022

Countless times, people have been asking How long does it take to build an app? Well, let me ask some questions also; how big is your application? How many features does your app have? And what does it need to do?

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What Are The Benefits Of Ideation Workshops?

Posted by Mitch Ahiers on Wed, September, 21, 2022

Help the best ideas rise to the top, not the loudest, by enjoying the benefits of ideation workshops instead of a noisy brainstorming meeting.

What is an Innovation Workshop? on YouTube

Wanna solve a problem? Get the best ideas all out on the table. Sounds easy, but brainstorming sessions often fail to elevate the best idea. Whether a clash of egos, fear of repercussion from disagreeing with the boss, or just having the wrong people in the room, there’s a better way to collaborate: deploy a workshop. Need help? EX Squared is happy to facilitate!

Key benefits of ideation workshops

  • Get ideas out of heads and into the ether
  • Ideas breed other ideas and inspire people to speak up
  • Have a variety of opinions contributing instead of the same people, having the same conversations
  • Empower the quietest to speak up. Their ideas may be the best.
  • Help slough off tunnel vision

Problem types that ideation workshops can help solve

  • Why aren’t people wearing their hard hats on the job site?
  • What should we name our start-up?
  • Should we go with modern or classic furniture?
  • Is it possible to put billions of dollars into millions of pockets?
  • Can you make a fast-growing metropolitan downtown more pedestrian-friendly?

So, yeah, pretty much any sort of problem can be bettered by workshopping with the right people. The benefits of ideation workshops are structured, whereas brainstorming or whiteboarding is typically chaotic.

Two (or more) more heads are better than one. We’ve all been in long, drawn-out brainstorming meetings that breakdown into conversations about what’s happened on Sunday’s episode of some popular cable show. Brainstorming or collaboration sessions often become unfocused, where the best idea of the day gets lost in the shuffle of the competing voices.

Brainstorm Together

Two (or more) more heads are better than one. We all know this axiom. But, we have all been in long, drawn-out brainstorming meetings that breakdown into conversations about what’s happened on Sunday’s episode of some popular cable show. Brainstorming or collaboration sessions often become unfocused, where the best idea of the day gets lost in the shuffle of the competing voices.

Too often, the loudest or highest-profile opinion in the room starts taking root. Not because it’s the best idea, but because psychology shows us that humans want to fit-in with others. We’ll adapt our opinions to fit those of the group to gain temporary acceptance. If done right, brainstorming sessions unlock potential & creativity. If is perform poorly, they just reinforce bad ideas and leave participants feeling like time’s been wasted.

No fear. Innovation Workshops to the rescue!

Workshop vs Brainstorming

Brainstorming is typically a bunch of people, often in the same work-group or product team, coming together to strategize some problem they need to figure out. Though it’s intended to facilitate outside-the-norm thinking, because they are used as triage points on existing situations, they tend to just be faster ways to come to a conclusion the team would have already arrived.

Workshops, whether a design workshop or innovation workshop, are structured, planned events that focus on creating a divergence of ideas from participants, then helping those involved arrive at convergence of a direction moving forward.

Collaboration and output are the goals of both, but a workshop is structured specifically to make this happen. For success, EX Squared follows a set of key steps in our innovation workshop facilitation.

Divergence & Convergence is the key to successful innovation

Want a new way to solve a problem? Get different people trying to answer the burning questions.

Divergence is created when different vantage points are brought in and asked to view the problem. Dozens of wonderful, exciting, and yes, sometimes bad ideas get tossed into the mix. But each of those ideas has the ability to spurn another idea and another vantage point. Divergence is the fertilizer. Or water. Or some sort of gardening example.

Teams get tunnel-vision because they see samething. Elephants stay tied to posts they could easily pull out of the ground because when they were small, they lacked the strength. Conditioning causes us to stop pushing because we don’t like the discomfort of failure. That didn’t work yesterday, so why try again? Over time, these restrictions add up and solutions become stale.

Rocksauce Divergence & Convergence: Diverge with creative choices, then Converge by making choices that focus on a Point of View

Team Vision

Convergence happens when participants start to agree on a certain solution. Their point of view begin to align, and now, it’s the best idea in the room, that starts to take root. People from the Vice President of Regional Sales to the Customer Service Representative who was hired two months ago begin to align.

None of this happens by accident. All of it takes deliberate, considered facilitation to succeed. Otherwise, you risk falling back into the chaotic noise of a typical brainstorming session. The outcome of that is anyone’s guess.

6 Steps for a Successful Workshop

How do you make this all happen? Workshops succeed by letting imaginations run within a structured environment. Structure and a dash of discipline create the right sort of tension needed for solutions to flourish.

1. Have a good reason to be there

Want to get people in the room, have a good reason. Some sort of purpose. A goal in mind is necessary, otherwise, everyone will flounder. You can be broad, but you need to have some idea of why the Avengers are Assembling.

2. Get the right people

Step outside or your department. Go up and down the company ladder. Get the Director of Safety as well as the HR person who files the accident report. The Foreman on the job and the Safety Expert who goes out to check installations. Have a decision maker in the room, because they have to drive the solution forward when it comes to time & cost.

3. Have a facilitator (and listen to that person)

Facilitators are indispensable for workshops. They keep people on task. Facilitators keep the agenda moving forward when individuals want to go down tangential roads. And, very importantly, they keep some level of equality of ideas in the room, so good ideas can live. Using an outside facilitator, whether a company like Rocksauce or someone from a different department, helps. Everyone tends to be on their best manners, and the facilitator doesn’t know any of the interior politics of a group or company.

4. Follow a structure, framework or agenda

Know how long you’ll be in the room. Know how long you’ll be present in each activity. Outside facilitators will bring their own specific recipe for this, but, an inside facilitator can find tons of guidance online.

5. Make voting anonymous

Eventually, ideas will be voted on, and when that happens, do your best to have that be anonymous. Rocksauce uses a dotmocracy technique. Every participant gets a sheet of sticker-dots, and places them on the ideas they feel work best. Same color dots for everyone make this work even better.

6. Give yourself enough time

How much is enough? Depends on what you’re trying to solve and the people in the room. We’ve done workshops as short as 2 hours, and as long as 5 days.

Don’t let fear stop you from innovating

The great thing about a workshop is that it breaks down something daunting into easily executable chunks. Ideation leads to sticky-notes on a board which leads to voting and then sketching. Bit by bit, the walls that typically block innovation comes down, and great solutions go high.

People leave optimistic. And, most importantly, with a direction and purpose to carry out an activity!

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Topics: Design, Tools

How to Improve Mobile App Performance

Posted by Mitch Ahiers on Tue, September, 20, 2022

Is your app in tip-top shape? How is the performance of your mobile app?

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How to Develop Innovative Project Ideas

Posted by Mitch Ahiers on Mon, September, 19, 2022

Let’s look at something that has most of us spooked: innovation. What makes innovation so scary? I know you are wondering how you can develop innovative product design ideas that will make ur business stand out.

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Topics: Best Practices, Digital Transformation, Design, Tools

What is a Sales Funnel?

Posted by Mitch Ahiers on Mon, September, 19, 2022

Sales funnel is like the Tesla of the internet marketing world – you see and hear about them everywhere. They have been explained and interpreted in various ways on the internet, but many often misunderstand the concept.

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Topics: Sales Productivity, Sales, Tools


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